It’s triple digits here in south Texas.   Much hotter than that in a parked car, and yet I found myself needing to go into the grocery store but I had my German Shepherd puppy, River, with me.   I’m not an animal abuser and not even remotely related to one.  In fact River is my new Emotional Support dog.  We’re training and playing and have already developed a very close bond.  With all the tragedies in the news these days about children (and pets) being left in cars and not living to tell about it, I’m sure some of you are going to be appalled over the fact that I left River in my car while I ran into the store.

Being a man of common sense I put all the pieces together before proceeding.  The a/c had been running for over an hour and the car was very cool.  I’m only going in for a bag of cat food for the office cats.  I’ll be in and out in just a few minutes.   If I get delayed for some reason I can always abandon the mission and run out to the car.  I cracked the car door windows and off I jogged across the parking lot.

I reached the cat food in no time, grabbed a bag and headed to the check out.  Of course I choose the lane that has problems with the register two people in front of me.  I wait patiently but start wondering about River in the back of my mind.  After a couple of minutes (it seemed much longer) my eyes lit when I spotted an empty lane down the way.   Off I went.  I quickly got to the register and put my bag up for scanning.   Things are moving along quickly enough but my mind still tries to play tricks on me.  I’m wondering about River and hoping she’s not barking and causing a scene.  I’m sure someone would think she’s been in there too long and call the cops, LOL.

After checking out I hustled out the door and back across the parking lot towards my car.  As I get closer and can tell there’s no barking.  Okay, cool.  As I get closer still yet, I can see the profile of the car from 50′ away.  Hmm, no River.  I know she’s fine, but still.  My imagination says, “Gosh, I hope she’s not already having a heat stroke.  Way to go Russ.”

Well, all was perfectly fine.    As I reached the car and opened the door to put down the cat food, there she was.  Laying down on the floor board of the passenger seat right where I left her.  She looked up at me as she raised her head from her paws.  Not even panting.   I had only been gone about 4 & 1/2 minutes.  The car was just now starting to warm up.  I hopped in the car and started her up.  The cold air gushed out of the floor board vents and we took off without ever missing a beat.

As I drove away, God gave me a little lesson out of all that.  My sweet little River dog never doubted me.  The a/c had stopped blowing, her master had left and yet she remained calm.  I knew that she was not in any jeopardy.  She never left my mind.  I knew that at any minute I could return to the car if I felt I was being delayed too long.  I was in control.

Then I thought about the times I have been in River’s situation and how God wants me to have the same peace in disconcerting situations that she demonstrated.   How many times have I looked around at my circumstances and thought to myself, “Where is God in this one?”   When really, I should know that he is never gone and that I am safe.  If I am going through a trying time I can rest assured that He is aware of it and allows it.  It’s my job to trust and obey.  If I’m doing that then I know I am in good hands.

(James 1:2-4 – Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy.  For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed you will be strong in character and ready for anything).

Whatever you have going on, you’ve read to the bottom of this short post for a reason.  Whether you have a spiritual struggle or a physical one (maybe they’re one in the same) I want to encourage you and remind you that God is still there.  Just keep doing the next right thing.

Part of doing the next right thing is to be as prepared as possible for whatever we may encounter and even though we may not have any foresight on all the things we will face we can certainly do our part to be as spiritually and physically fit as possible.  Whatever storms we face, whether spiritual or physical, we will weather those storms better when we are spiritually and physically fit.  Christ Fit.  We will also perform at a higher level when God shines on us.  Getting Christ Fit is simple and the Christ Fit Fusion journal walks you through the entire process.  Eat a healthy spiritual and physical diet.  Exercise spiritually and physically.  Do them both consistently.

It is easier said than done but we are here to help you and support you along the way.  Get a copy of the 30 day Christ Fit Fusion book and start your journey to a strong, fitter, healthier you both physically and spiritually. We’d love to hear from you as you do and answer any questions you may have along the way.  You can connect with us on Facebook ( ) or through our website, where you can also find a link to the book.

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