Do Two Wrongs Make Millions?


Two unsuccessful weight loss track records unite to make millions.  I truly feel sorry for people that consider themselves intelligent, but will drink the Kool-Aide anyway.  Less than 30 minutes of reading and educating yourself could save you a lot of money and disappointment.

So, about this Weight Watchers and Oprah thingamajig.  What do you think?  Good or bad for fitness?  Before I go on my rant let me be very clear about a few things.  Please pay attention to this statement.  I believe in capitalism, free enterprise, strategic mutually beneficial relationships and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Weight Watcher and Oprah Winfrey both have the right to be successful if they have the ability to do so and I don’t fault them for it.  I would love to be as financially successful as either of them and I work hard at making my mark and my living.  BUT… (you knew it was coming) I will not exploit people’s weaknesses in order to do it.

Do a quick search and you will find a “butt ton” (pun intended) of information on the long term failure rate of Weight Watchers.  Will you lose weight on WW?  Yes. Will it last?  No.  There’s a variety of reasons why.  In consideration of time I won’t discuss it here but if you do just a tiny bit of digging you will discover truck loads of scientific information as to why.

Now, I’m no fan of Oprah but I certainly don’t wish her any ill will.  Factually though, her track record on weight loss is extremely poor.  Pretty much non existent.  I feel for her, really.  I know how it feels to struggle.  Not with food, but I’ve definitely struggled with my own addictions and vices.  I have extreme empathy for people with food issues etc.  That’s part of what makes me such a great fitness coach.  I get it.

The fitness industry as a whole has been guilty for years (and is guilty now) of preying on people’s emotions.  It’s a trait that I hate and refuse to follow.  Where else can two proven fitness failures team up to make millions of dollars?  I mean seriously, would you seek medical, mechanical, financial or relationship advice from a source that had a less than 10% success rate?  Holy cow!

As a Christian I read my Bible very avidly.  I do not expect to become spiritually stronger and fitter (Christ Fit) just because I “go to church…”  I don’t expect to get physically fit just because I go to the gym.  You’ve got to live the process.  It is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ that keeps me growing stronger in my faith.  As I nurture my relationship with Jesus and read His Word I find things like, “work out your own salvation…,” “broad is the way that leads to destruction and many find it… narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and few find it.”  It’s clear, according to the Bible, that those who truly believe and follow Christ are in the minority.  The Bible talks clearly about people who fake Christianity or are deceived into thinking that they are a real Christians, only to find out in the end that they really did not have their “heart” right with God but were more of a “religious” person.

The point?  Many people are deceived both spiritually and physically or worse yet they don’t even try to work anything out for themselves at all.  They just follow the masses straight to hell and failure.  Sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s true.   Spiritually and physically the human race will buy a false promise and lie much sooner than they will buy truth that involves them having to flipping work hard.  Oh, they’ll work hard for something they really want like a promotion, boat, purse, career, degree, car etc., but when it comes to spiritual and physical fitness it’s a totally different story unfortunately.

If you are serious about wanting to get and/or improve your spiritual and physical fitness then I encourage you to seek the truth.  My book, Christ Fit Fusion – The Fusion Of Spiritual And Physical Fitness, is a good place to start.  It’s not the only way, but it is a way and it will certainly guide you into making wise decisions pertaining to your spiritual and physical fitness.  When Christ Fit Fusion becomes “The Next Big Thing” it will be because it is NOT claiming to be “The Next Big Thing” but rather the voice of one speaking truth from the wilderness.  He who has ears to hear let him hear.

http://www.ChristFitFusion.FIT     Instagram (ChristFitFusion)


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